Holiday Events that Everyone can Enjoy!

Lest we be accused of Grinch-like behavior after ou  recent post, we’d like to share some ideas for holiday activities that everyone can enjoy. We’re not opposed to parties, but as we mentioned, they are risky. Just ask the three young staffers  of Rep Rick Larsen (D-Wash) who were fired following inappropriate tweets during their office party.  So what can you do that will capture the spirit of the season without risking life, limb or livelihood?                    

  • Remember the children. Find a local charity that provides toys and gifts to the less fortunate, i.e., Salvation Army Angels, or Toys for Tots. Have a pizza party and collect or wrap the gifts there. Everyone gets involved, has fun and helps others all at the same time.

  • Potluck lunches. There are those that feel you shouldn’t ask people to make something when Holiday parties are also a reward for everyone’s hard work. But in my experience, most people love to show off their specialty dish. Plus you have great leftovers for the week. Have the company buy the staples like turkey and ham. Add a few fun games during the lunch like word scrambles or trivia and give gifts for the winners.

  • Prepare packages for the troops. It’s likely that at least one person in your office knows someone overseas. So many of our troops can’t make it home for the holidays so what better than to prepare a care package for everyone in your contact’s unit? If you don’t know anyone personally, check out Any Soldier or U.S. Troops Care Package for tips on what to send and how to send it. Getting the whole office involved preparing the packages is not only rewarding but team building.

  • Hold a You Tube Contest. With so many people working remotely or being geographically dispersed, bring the team togehter by asking them to tell or show what gets them in the Holiday spirit and post the videos on You Tube. Make sure to lay some ground rules. Once all the videos are in, have everyone vote on their favorite.

There are tons of party alternatives that can help team-building as well as give back. In addition to the ones listed above, you can also visit a nursing home, veteran's hospital or children's hospital. The list is endless. Sure, going out and splurging on a big gala or dinner can be fun, but it’s not without its risks and it’s not something everyone really enjoys but often feels pressured to attend. Especially during this time of economic downturn, why not stay in, think of others less fortunate and still have some fun!


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